Religious and Scientific Literacy 

The lack of Scientific and Religious literacy is a problem. History allows us to see religion sociologically as well as how science has filled in gaps in cosmological understanding.  

Modern World Choices

Deconstruction & New Beginnings

Today, many are re-evaluating theistic beliefs and telling their heartfelt stories. Deconstruction can be a fresh start to gaining clarity and building something new and better.  

Kristi Burke – Featured Fresh Voice 

Kristi Burke is an Exvangelical YouTuber. Her channel exists to help those who are questioning or deconstructing from their faith find validation and confidence in their journey. She mostly focuses on evangelical/fundamentalist ideologies, but because Christianity is so diverse, you might find her content helpful no matter what denomination you are deconstructing from.  Her channel. 

Breaking in the Habit 

Father Casey offers personal reflections and explanations from a Catholic and Franciscan perspective. In this video, he addresses  the issue of Christians losing their faiths and leaving the church. 

One of the greatest struggles in life is knowing enough to think your right but not enough to know that you are wrong – Neil deGrasse Tyson 

MISSION: NaturalView’s mission is to be a resource for people re-evaluating or deconstructing their faiths to a natural versus supernatural worldview.

Deconstruction can be a painful process for believers since many have been indoctrinated as young children and churches have implanted notions that there are eternal consequences for those who no longer believe.  One stands to lose family relationships, jobs and even marriages.   For those seeking intellectual integrity, cognitive dissonance is real and painful.